The Waiting Game

Recently, I sent a manuscript to two publishers. One wrote on their website that I would have to wait two weeks to find if they were interested in pursuing the manuscript further. However, the email that acknowledged receipt said it would be four weeks or more. I've heard nothing since then.

The second publisher didn't give a specific wait time, but suggested if I had heard nothing after twelve months, I should assume they weren't interested! They sent a generic receipt email, and then about three weeks later, I found in my spam folder an email that said just enough to keep me waiting in anticipation.

It seems to me that this has been a year of waiting. Waiting for the 1pm Ashley and Jacinda show, to find out what the virus count was. Then we waited for each covid alert level to drop (or not). Now we are waiting for the vaccine. Or the chance to travel again to see loved ones.

We waited while the election campaigns played out. We waited to see the final results. We waited for the US elections to be held. Now we wait for a concession (or not).

Of course, we wait our whole lives for things to come to pass, but this year I feel the waiting more keenly. We wait more happily if we have an idea of the end point, and far less happily if the end point is nebulous. We wait easily if we are entertained in any way, and less easily if we are bored.  I've taken to meditating. Keeps me occupied for a short time and reduces my stress levels.

Waiting is stressful.


Clothes Maketh the Wo(man)


Changing the Narrative