The times, they are a-changin’

Today, our choir had to make a difficult but necessary decision. Due to the rapidly evolving Covid-19 situation, we are taking a recess until further notice. Choir night is the highlight of the week. Harmonies blending, voices raised in joyful song. It’s just the best for chasing away worries, depressions and general malaise.

This next concert was based around the theme of ‘Time’. Cyndi Lauper’s ‘Time after Time’, Billy Joel’s ‘The Longest Time’, André Bocelli’s ‘Time to Say Goodbye’ (in the Italian!) and Bob Dylan’s protest song, ‘The Times, They are A-Changin’ .

The lyrics part way through this song say it all - ‘Come Senators, Congressmen, please heed the call’. We’re lucky here, our politicians are accessible and do seem to listen. And so far, crossed fingers and toes, we have no cases of community transmission.  Better we try to keep it that way.

As we go out less, spend less, and keep our social distancing, it’s going to be interesting to see what does change for the better. Appreciating what we have, appreciating the quiet, appreciating time to read, and listen to music. Appreciating the time to write, now we are not going out as much. There’s always an upside, when things change.


Dream for the future


Dreaming big and setting small goals